


tilda : terminal emulator with first person shooter console likeness
gdesklets : Architecture for desktop applets
screenlets : Widget-like mini-applications for GNOME
xvkbd : Software virtual keyboard for X11
kvkbd : Virtual keyboard for KDE
cairo-clock : An analog clock drawn with vector-graphics
quicksynergy : GUI for easy configuration of Synergy
kalarm : KDE alarm message, command and email scheduler
cmatrix : Console Matrix simulates the display from “The Matrix”
drapes : a desktop wallpaper management application for the GNOME desktop
workrave : Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) prevention tool
xournal : GTK+ Application for note taking
gnome-commander : nice and fast file manager for the GNOME desktop
gprename : Complete batch renamer for Linux
pyrenamer : mass file renamer written in PyGTK
gweled : A “Diamond Mine” puzzle game
frozen-bubble : Pop out the bubbles!
wormux : funny fight game on 2D maps
gnugo : play the game of Go
pokerth : Texas hold’em game
inkscape : vector-based drawing program
albumshaper : Photo album creator and photo manipulator
scribus : Open Source Desktop Page Layout
dia : Diagram editor
xaralx : Heavyweight vector graphics, illustration and DTP Program

webhttrack : Copy websites to your computer, httrack with a Web interface
tsclient : front-end for viewing of remote desktops in GNOME
gwget : GNOME front-end for wget
thunderbird : mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support
ethereal : dummy upgrade package for ethereal -> wireshark
xchat : IRC client for X similar to AmIRC
xchat-gnome : a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client
sunbird : Sunbird stand-alone Calendar
finch : text base d instant messenging
iptraf : Interactive Colorful IP LAN Monitor
empathy : High-level library and user-interface for Telepathy
gobby : collaborative text editor
gftp : X/GTK+ FTP client
pdfedit : Editor for manipulating PDF documents
gnochm : CHM file viewer for GNOME
stardict : International dictionary
gnucash : A personal finance tracking program
bluefish : advanced Gtk+ HTML editor
kompare : a KDE GUI for viewing differences between files
rapidsvn : A GUI client for subversion
netbeans : Integrated Development Environment
nvu : Transition package for Nvu –> KompoZer fork (macromedia dreamweaver like)
geany : A fast and lightweight IDE
mplayer : The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux – Medibuntu package
gnome-mplayer : GNOME MPlayer is a simple GUI for MPlayer
smplayer : A great front-end for MPlayer
elisa : media center solution – runtime executables
audacious : small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats
totem-xine : A simple media player for the Gnome desktop based on xine
gtk-recordmydesktop : Graphical frontend for recordmydesktop
wink : Tutorial and Presentation Creating Software
audacity : A fast, cross-platform audio editor
hydrogren : Simple drum machine/step sequencer
ffmpeg : multimedia player, server and encoder
istanbul : Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video
amarok : versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE
devede : program to create video DVDs
k3b : A sophisticated KDE CD burning application
Banshee : audio player, can encode/decode various formats and synchronize music with Apple iPods
mpg123 : MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player
music123 : A command-line shell for sound-file players
exaile : flexible audio player, similar to Amarok, but written in GTK+
acidrip : ripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer and mencoder
xawtv : TV application for X11. Supports video4linux
pyvnc2swf : screen recording tool to SWF movie
soundkonverter : audio converter frontend for KDE
winff : graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg
hipo : iPod Management Tool
furiusisomount : An ISO, IMG, BIN, MDF and NRG image management utility
autorun4linuxcd : Menu for Debian Live under Windows
htop : interactive processes viewer
nfs-common : NFS support files common to client and server
ntfs-config : tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux
ntfsprogs : tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux
yakuake : a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology
virtualbox : x86 virtualization solution
wine : Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library)
mondo : powerful disaster recovery suite
chntpw : NT SAM password recovery utility
powertop : linux tool to find out what is using power on a laptop
nautilus-open-terminal : nautilus plugin for opening terminals in arbitrary local paths
nautilus-wallpaper : Nautilus extension. Add a “set as wallpaper” entry in context menu
nautilus-image-converter : nautilus extension to mass resize or rotate images
nautilus-script-audio-convert : A nautilus audio converter script
nautilus-gksu : privilege granting extension for nautilus using gksu
nautilus-script-manager : A simple management tool for nautilus scripts
jigdo : GTK+ download manager (beta version)
jigdo-file : Download Debian CD images from any Debian mirror
preload : adaptive readahead daemon
tree : displays directory tree, in color
grsync : GTK+ frontend for rsync
emerald : Decorator for compiz-fusion
compiz : OpenGL window and compositing manager
ink : tool for checking the ink level of your local printer
screenlets : Widget like mini applications for GNOME
gtweakui : A collection of simple dialogs as a front end to GConf
avant-window-navigator : A MacOS X like panel for GNOME
compizconfig-settings-manager : Compiz configuration settings manager
system-config-samba : GUI for managing samba shares and users
gnome-splashscreen-manager : manage your GNOME splash screen images
simple-ccsm : Simple Compizconfig settings manager
startupmanager : Grub and Splash screen configuration
lshw-gtk : graphical information about hardware configuration
build-essential : informational list of build-essential packages
rar : Archiver for .rar files
unrar : Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
unrar-free : Unarchiver for .rar files
nmap : The Network Mapper
hwinfo : Hardware identification system
wavemon : Wireless Device Monitoring Application
samba : a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix
gparted : GNOME partition editor
aptoncd : Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT
ntfs-config : Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices
ntfsprogs : tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux
hardinfo : GUI information hardware
pessulus : a graphical lockdown editor has been included to ease the task of disabling desktop settings.
pyvnc2swf : screen recording tool to SWF movie
system-config-samba : graphical setting samba share
pysdm : Graphical Storage Device Manager
qgrubeditor : graphical editor for GRUB boot manager settings (only hardy)
kgrubeditor : graphical editor for GRUB boot manager settings
usb-creator : Ubuntu USB desktop image creator
bootchart : boot sequence auditing and chart generator
sabayon : system administration tool to manage GNOME desktop settings
xcompmgr : X composition manager
hot-babe : A GTK-based monitoring app
knemo : network interfaces monitor for KDE’s systray
filelight : show where your diskspace is being used
grandr : gtk interface to xrandr
dpkg-repack : puts an unpacked .deb file back together
dpkg-www : Web based Debian package browser
saidar–curses : based program which displays live system statistics


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